
Archive for the ‘Ramblings’ Category

This lunch break is brought to you by:  Lori’s overactive imagination.

I have weird dreams.  All the time.  I know everyone dreams a lot, every night, but not everyone remembers their dreams.  I don’t remember all of mine, but I always remember at least one every night.  And it’s always in great detail.  So much so that I have a hard time remembering whether things were dreams or reality….they’re not always so weird that they couldn’t be true.  They’ve also left me with quite the active deja-vu.

Last night’s dream has stuck with me….even now, I can remember even some of the smallest details. Lets say, for example, the china patterns on the plates, or the brand name of the garbage in the yard….the little things I looked passed in the dream I see clearly now.  Maybe it’ll make more sense if I just explain it all.

It was a dull, rainy day.  Chris and I were walking to visit my grandmothers, who lived together in a small, rundown-looking cottage in a residential area.  Not a busy area, but there were some other houses close by.  My dream never mentioned just WHY my Nana & Grammy were living together in this house, just that they were indeed living there.

It was a cute little house, but very overgrown and dirty.  The windows were smudged inside and out with dirt.  Vines and weeds had grown up all sides of the house, so that you could barely tell it was a log cabin-type of home.  There was an orange, ornamental pattern that lined the top of the house, just before the roof, and yellowed curtains in the square framed windows.  The left side of the house was totally encompassed in bushes.  I couldn’t see past the front door (which was closer to the left side of the home).  On the right side of the house was a small sunroom.  Maybe 10’x15′ in size.  It had a circular window that faced the street, and another matching one on east side.  There was a bench in front of the house between the front door and the sun room.  A large, bare tree sat in the middle of the front yard, almost covering the front of the house (had it been in bloom).

Chris and I walked up the front path (lined with small, but out of control bushes) around to the side of the house.  We didn’t bother using the front door.  Chris seemed nervous about the whole thing.  At the side of the house grew more large bushes.  Mostly green, but looking rusty in patches.  A small, black metal fence lined the yard.  The entire back yard was littered in trash.  Old gas cans, WD40 containers, even an old, rusted, obviously broken lawn mower.  Scattered between all the garbage, were old, rusty car parts, decomposing food & a rusted out swing set.

We pushed our way through the side gate and through the trash in the back yard and made our way into the sunroom.  Both Grammy & Nana were sitting there.  As soon as I opened the door into the sun room I was automatically forced backwards by some unseen force.  I knew immediately that the house was haunted and that my Grandmothers were being trapped there.  I was suddenly the center of attention to these spirits and they knew I could hear them.  They all began yelling at me and trying to get my attention.  No one else seemed to notice them at all.  My cousin David was there.  He was helping Grammy get dressed so we could all go out on a walk…we needed to get them out of the house.  He even helped her put on make up…it looked terrible..but it WAS her favourite colour…purple.

Nana was desperately trying to push her wheelchair through the very small kitchen off the back of the sunroom….I could see the spirits around her pushing her back & away from the front room, but no one else could.  Nana blamed her stubborn chair.  When she finally made it into the kitchen she placed more dirty dishes on top of the every-growing pile of plates on the counter.  Pale yellow plates with an orange/brown floral pattern around the outside.  Even though they were used they still sparkled brightly on the counter top.  She couldn’t turn around in the kitchen (in her wheel chair) so she backed out slowly and came back to meet us in the sun room.

I never got to go through-out the rest of the house, but something told me I didn’t want to…actually not so much some”thing” but someone.  The spirits were angry that I was there and didn’t want me to take my Grandmothers away from them.  But I did. As fast as I possibly could.  Chris grabbed Nana’s wheel chair and I grabbed Grammy’s hand, and as calmly as we could (so not to freak them out) we left the house.  As soon as we stepped outside the big tree in the back yard started to bloom with bright pink flowers.  The grass grew over the trash and soon the backyard was a vibrant green.  Grammy gasped in amazement.  We followed the path to the front of the house, and the large, bare tree in the front yard bloomed as well.

We walked away from that house…far, far away.  Neither Grammy or Nana complained about the distance.  The further we walked the quieter the spirits became.  They weren’t yelling at me anymore, but some were still whispering.  They were either so loud I couldn’t make them out, or whispering too quietly.  I felt very sad for them.  They didn’t want to harm Nana or Grammy, but they really were upset that we took them.  We didn’t stop walking until we got back to my parents house….which was very far away.  There was no concept of time, but I know we walked far.

Once at my parents house, we kissed them goodbye and I grabbed Chris’ hand and we walked away.
I woke up when we reached the end of the street.

The thing that stuck with me the most was the house itself.  It was so real.
So much so in fact, that I sketched it out….maybe one day I’ll see it for myself…for real.  Then again, maybe not.  There was nothing surreal about it.  It all seemed very normal…even the spirits didn’t freak me out.  They just worried me because they wouldn’t calm down enough to let me listen.

Needless to say, I woke up extremely tired this morning.  This dream absolutely exhausted me.  I felt completely drained.

The front of the house

Side view of the house

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Dear Dog Owners who attend the Leash Free dog run in Shell Park,

I understand that it is my responsibility to clean up after my dogs and keep an eye on them at all times.
What I don’t understand is how some of you don’t seem to take this same responsibility yourselves.

My dogs have never harmed another animal, bit anything (except playfully), pooped without myself or my husband cleaning it up or done anything remotely aggressive…yet I still keep my eye on them as much as humanly possible.

If you cannot follow the rules of the park please stop attending.  It is YOUR responsibility to keep your dog in control (and i understand that they ARE dogs…even the nicest dogs have their bad days) and to clean up after it.  I bring two dogs and I still manage to do this.  I’m not saying you must leave if your dog gets rowdy, but you must know how to control it if its bothering other dogs or other people!  Artoo is only 6 months old and he’s perfectly harmless…BUT as a puppy he tends to get over excited and can jump up…most people don’t like this. Even though this isn’t “scary” or really bad behavior, when he does this I correct him and make him stop…for the courtesy of other people and their dogs.

Yesterday when my husband and I were there with our dogs we constantly had to walk to the front gates and CLOSE THEM.  If you cannot even enter and exit the park without closing the gates behind yourselves you should not be there.  When we went to go leave the park we had not noticed that the first gate was left open…upon our dogs entering the inner gate they proceeded to run THROUGH THE OPEN GATE and into the parking lot.  I admit that my dogs aren’t well behaved when it comes to walks and being off leash (outside of the park).  They see an open door and they’ll run through it if we don’t tell them to stay fast enough…and since we did not see the open gate, we did not have the time to tell them to stay.

As we yelled and tried to get our now free-roaming dogs NOT A SINGLE PERSON attempted to help us.

Luckily enough I remained calm and simply opened the car door and they both ran back and into the car….  but i would like to express my deepest thank you to the NO ONE that helped us in this scary situation.

Closing the gate behind you is such a crucial step in attending an off leash area…and such a simple, small step too.
Should anything had happened to either of my dogs….good lord, i don’t even want to think about it.

Next time I go i’ll be bringing tools and springs and i’ll be fixing the gate myself and making sure it’s spring loaded to close by itself….as apparently it’s too large a task for some people to do themselves.



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If you live in Burlington, or have ever ridden Burlington Transit there’s a good chance you know Bus Driver Bob….or maybe you’ve even ridden on Bob’s Magic Bus?  or maybe, JUST MAYBE you’ve seen his face plastered all over buses, magazine bus ads and banners scattered around Burlington? Then again, maybe you haven’t…but you will now!

My dad’s ego has severely inflated since the beginning of this summer when his work colleagues decided to take his photo (used in a Burlington Tourism magazine), blow it up and use it as one of their Burlington Bus wraps.  We should have known it wouldn’t stop there.  I continue to see his smiling face in Ribfest guides, pop-up banners, and in family member’s profile pics on Facebook.  Everywhere I look my dear ol’ dad is looking back…seriously.

So in hopes to help inflate his ego (and ultimately attempt to piss him off *grin*) my sister and I have made him his very own FACEBOOK GROUP! <—click it!…now!

They have stripped his face off of the sides of buses (for now, i’m sure), but you can relive it all here! On Facebook!  Be part of something awesome and join in on the fun!  Stop him for his autograph!  Have your picture taken with him!  Just don’t fuck with his schedule or be uber creepy about it! 🙂  I AM his daughter, keep in mind…and I will be monitoring for creepy bus passengers…you know who you are.  I know you’re our there.

My dad is cool as shit! ❤

Autographed Ribfest Guide!

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This is going to be a more difficult post to write as I don’t want to offend or hurt anyone.  That is not the point of this blog post.  I just want you all to know how lucky and fortunate you are, and that you can’t take anyone or anything for granted.

Looking through my Facebook & subscribed-to blogs the past week or so I’ve been overwhelmed with photos and posts about going-ons, parties, concerts, trips and weekends out.  Nothing new…those posts and photos are always overflowing any social website.  The thing I’ve noticed most about these posts are that they always include the same people… “X” may have 10 albums on their Facebook profile, but all of those albums include “Y” and “Z”… “A” may post 20 albums over time, but all of those photos are of themselves with “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”….whatever they may be doing.

It got me to thinking…I’ve never really had a group of friends like that.  That’s not to say I don’t have amazing friends! (see what I meant about not wanting to offend people)…I just mean that the friends I do have, have their own groups like “X” and “A”.   A tight-night group of friends that spend countless hours together…That never really have to wonder “who’s coming out tonight” because they know that their friends are already on the way…Who buy concert tickets in bulk because they don’t even have to think twice about whether or not someone else may come…Who you don’t even have to invite to parties/outings in general because you just KNOW it involves you all.  A group of friends where you’re all just so on the same wavelength, you know?

Please, please don’t get me wrong.  I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for! And I love you all very, very much.

I’ve have, and have had friends like that.  Where its like you’re sharing a brain…but you either drift apart or split apart.  I’ve been friends with Chelsea since we were 16 years old.  We have that bond.  I love that girl like she was my sister…even more if thats possible! She’s like my soulmate, in a platonic way lol.  But her life’s course has taken her out to BC, where she’s been for a year now.  I cannot express in words how proud of her I am!  As hard as it is to move so far away from your friends and lifestyle, I know this is exactly what she needed….and she’s doing so amazingly well! Chelsea is my best friend….the one who I have that special bond with, one of the only ones mind you…and that’s what makes it hard.  She was my “group” of friends.  Just her and I against the world. Now my group is just me.

There have been other “best friends” mind you.  But I’d rather not mention them for one reason or another…you think you can trust people sometimes…you consider them family even…then they lie and break your heart, and your lives go off in separate directions.

I am forever grateful for the friends I have…whether we’re “best friends” or not has nothing at all to do with how amazing they are…how kind and caring they are.  How much I’m probably jealous of them for one reason or another lol.  I owe a lot to my friends, past and present…probably more than they will ever know.  Even the simplest gestures like attending our BBQ, coming with me to a concert or inviting Chris and I over for cards and drinks means so much to me!

For those of you who do have your group of “best friends”, count your blessings….You are truly blessed.  Whether you’re sitting down with a bunch of friends you’ve had since elementary school, high school, college or just since last year…seriously know just how lucky you are.  Never take those friendships for granted. ❤  Good friends are hard to find, so love the ones you have and never let go! lol

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Today is my best friend’s birthday…and she’s miles and miles away.

I’m completely thrilled for her and everything she’s accomplished while in Prince George, BC., but I can’t help but still be a little selfish and just wish she’d come home (with her gorgeous boyfriend, of course!).

She is by far the most wonderful, loving & happy person I’ve ever met.  We’ve known each other for what seems like forever, but in actuality is only about 8 years.  Her sister introduced us while we were working at Shoppers Drug Mart, and we’ve been absolutely ridiculous ever since.  We’re the type of friends that stood strong against months of drifting apart…only to find each other again and fall back into our same routine of awesome.  We’ve been there for each other through thick and through thin.  Through hospitals and weddings.  From Jammer Lammy & blue kool-aid, to Star Wars & red wine.  Through every hair colour you could possibly ever imagine.

When I felt like I had nothing and no one to turn to, there was always her.
Her bright blue eyes and equally bright smile there to make my sorrows disappear.

Chelsea Gibson has made me a better person.
She’s the only ‘best friend’ I’ve ever had.
She’s my platonic soul mate.
I miss her so much.

Only one more month until I get to see you again, and you have no clue just how excited I really am.

Happy Birthday Sweetpea!

I love you and miss you!

You’re my favourite ❤

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I’ve decided to blog about my dreams.
They’re always very realistic, yet very, very strange.
I deal with a lot of deja vu because of my dreams due to how ridiculously real they seem.

This one started at a bus stop downtown Burlington.  Chris and I were living downtown again, but not in the same building. We were attending a carnival at Spencer Smith Park that wasn’t Sound of Music, or like anything I’ve ever seen there before.  It looked more like one of those creepy carnivals you see in horror movies…you know, the half broken-down, trinket music-playing ones that people still apparently crowd around.  We weren’t scared though…it was just another normal day for us.

We were waiting for a bus right in front of the marry-go-round. The music playing on it was bone chilling, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.  As I leaned against the nearby newspaper box I realized it was absolutely covered in really big ants.  Huge ones.  All over the damn thing.  Actually all 3 of the paper boxes at this bus stop were being devoured by these ants….but I wanted a Metro newspaper….badly.  I asked Chris to help me, but he was too busy watching the marry-go-round, singing along with the creepy tin music.  I opened the stand to find a larger cluster of bigger ants on the inside too!  But i still wanted my damn metro newspaper…”a girls gotta read her horoscope!” were my exact words.

I reached in, grabbed the paper and shook off all attached gigantor-ants…I read my horoscope “Your bus is here” it said.   My bus pulled up to the stop and I got on.

By the time I reached the next bus stop (at the Travelodge) I realized I forgot something at home and proceeded to exit the bus.  I didn’t feel like going home so we just went to the carnival instead….I don’t remember where we were even going on that bus, but apparently it wasn’t that important.

We played a couple carnival games and decided to head home….we ended up at my parents house, rather than our own apartment.  My dad was trying to open the pool for the summer.  Mark & Nina were there with Addison, and she was hungry.  I asked Nina if it was ok for me to feed her and she said it was fine.  I proceeded to heat up a microwavable pizza for myself and Addi-Bean to share….apparently babies love pizza?  Spinach pizza to be exact.  Remarkably she loved it, and wanted nothing more than to just eat the spinach leaves off the pizza…SO i fed her spinach leaves and continued to watch Dad try and open the pool.

Craig (my brother) played with Addison for awhile…She really took to him and even learned to say “Uncle Cake!!” (every baby in the history of our family has never been able to say Craig…they always call him Cake…real fact..not just something from my dream!).  Craig isn’t even her Uncle so i was pissed that she said his name before learning mine fluently.

My Dad needed our help with something. He said there was an animal under the deck and he couldn’t get at it without tearing up that end of the deck.  Craig started to help him rip it up when this gigantic elephant-like animal darted out from a hole under the pool. It ran into the bushes…all I saw was that it was grey, and its back feet were huge…like elephant huge. but it was smaller than a baby elephant.

Craig looked at me, Addison smiled, my dad scratched his head, and my alarm went off and I woke up.

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•Identity Crisis•

I’ve found myself at a bit of a dead end.

I’ve spent the last week or so designing new business cards for myself/LD Photography.
Not that I’m planning to make a business out of it anytime soon, but I would like to be prepared should someone want to find/contact me.  I do want to come off as professional as possible, because this is something I would like to pursue one day.

Among the designing process I have found myself feuding over whether or not I should ditch “LD” and change to something more long term.  “LD” refers to the nickname “Lori Dark” that I’ve had since high school….but I’m not a high school kid anymore.  I’m not that same girl.  I’ve grown up, and I think my photos portray that as well.  BUT I still find myself attached to “LD”.  It’s been a really huge part of my life.

I’ve been working with names like:

LMH Photo
LMH Photography
LH Photo
LH Photography
Lori Michelle Photo[graphy]

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…I don’t know. lol

Nothing really jumps off the page to me….I want people to see the name and know that its me.  I want it to be simple, but elegant. OR, do I just go ahead and just use my name?  “freelance photography”.  I’ve already been tagging my photos with a simple signature…

I was thinking of  using my initials because I like the idea of having a monogram as a logo. It’s easy, and can be portrayed very elegantly, or in a very modern fun way as well…depending on who/what you’re photographing.

I’m really at a dead end here.

Any suggestions?!  Please help…if I think any harder, my face may get stuck like this!

Please help me...

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•14 Pedestrian Deaths?•

In all of 2009, the city of Toronto recorded 31 pedestrian fatalities…. the entire year.

In 2010, the city of Toronto has already recorded an astonishing 14 pedestrian deaths!  It’s not even February.

Not only is this number astonishing….it’s down right frightening….and I’m thanking God I don’t live in Toronto right now.

Here’s the link to the latest article: http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/755854–woman-dies-at-accident-scene?bn=1

There needs to be stricter laws put in place for drivers of all ages….most importantly beginners and the elderly, but there should also be mandatory testing every 5 years or so!  Just because you managed to pass your driving test doesn’t mean you’re actually cautious and attentive while on the road.  These tests should be like a summons to be on a jury….just a random note in the mail stating you need to complete a test within the month to retain your licence.  That way no one has time to learn to pretend they’re good enough to drive.

Have you ever watched Canada’s Worst Driver?  I think ALL driver’s testing needs to be THAT hands on and in your face.  There is way to much that driving school and G1/G2 testing doesn’t teach you!  I’m a pretty cautious driver but I know I’ve made my mistakes…everyone does.  You’d be a fool to say you’ve never caused one little traffic infraction…speeding, texting/calling, running a yellow/red light… Watching Canada’s Worst Driver has actually taught me quite a bit!  Things like backing up a motor home with a trailer attached to it into a camp site, how to spin out without freaking out, or how to parallel park a motor home between two very, very expensive cars.

The fact that the candidates on this show even have their licences is well beyond me…whoever passed them should be shot…or, you know, run over.  It’s ridiculous!! And to think that that’s only 8 people out of god knows how many nominated people that drive THAT terribly.  Just think about how many people were probably nominated for one reason or another…

There are WAY too many bad drivers out there, and Toronto’s disgusting pedestrian death toll is just one example.

People need to be so much more careful while out on the streets….especially in a city as busy as Toronto.
Take the time to put down your phone, stop texting for one second, take a look around you THEN cross the street.
As children are we not taught to look both ways before we cross the street?  To get off your bike and walk across an intersection rather than ride?

Do we all lose our common sense as we grow old?

These types of accidents could be so easily avoided…We all need to be a lot more careful.

My heart goes out to the family and friends of those who have passed in car or car/pedestrian fatalities.

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•On The Prowl•

I am currently obsessed with trying to find a new way to organize our massive DVD collection.

I love the wall mount shelves we are using now, but as DVD collectors, it’s just not practical.

Currently we have about 8 of these, arranged portrait (not landscape, as shown above) on our basement wall.  They’re placed semetrically between two light fixtures on the wall.  They look fantasic, and I love the fact that they’re off the floor leaving more room for our 2nd couch.  The only problem being that we now have more movies sitting around, and nowhere to put them…adding another shelf means placing it to the left OR right of the currently semetrical shelves.  I cannot deal with it being un-semetrical.  Cannot deal with it lol.  BUT we don’t have enough movies yet to put up TWO more shelves (so it’ll be balanced).  See my dilemma?

We’ve been to Ikea a couple of times now, and have failed to find anything awesome that I can use.  We used to keep them all on two BILLY bookcases, but I didn’t like how deep the bookcases are.  I liked the height and width of them, but the depth was about twice the size of a DVD.  Being a short person, seeing DVD’s on the top shelf was just a pain in the ass.  I really like the BILLY Bookcase though! Especially these nice wooden ones:

They’re about 6′ tall and 3′ wide (give or take).  Two of these bookcases didn’t hold all our movies….I’ve found DVD equivalent shelves, but they’re too short or not wide enough (I’d end up having to buy like 4-5 of them just to fit all my DVDs!)

See how little! They’re not even 4′ tall!  I don’t want white shelves in my basement, but they are $29.99/ea compared to the brown one shown that’s $49.99!  Plus, I don’t want to have to spend another $20-$40/ea on shelf height extenders.  I’m just trying to find a shelf the same DEPTH as the two above cases, but the height and width of the BILLY bookcases! Why is this so damn hard?! lol  I’m also on a budget here….otherwise I’d buy this and just deal with it:

It’s almost $500 for the whole thing….I’m sure it wouldn’t even fit nicely in our basement, but I wouldn’t even care lol

My REAL solution: Win the lottery and buy a bigger house 🙂
But I don’t even play the lottery….so I don’t see that happening lol

Where in God’s name can I find decent DVD shelves!?  I need a better solution….

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I’m not big on New Years Resolutions…I never have been.
I’m great at keeping promises to others, but I am terrible at keeping them with myself.
I tend to think about/care for/make happy everybody else before I think about myself…which, you know, isn’t a terrible thing (I have amazing friends and family!) but it doesn’t hurt to be a bit selfish sometimes. I do have to think about my needs and what makes me happy too!

So…for the first time since Elementary School (when the teacher made you write them down), here are my New Years Resolutions for 2010!

#1: Be Optimistic!

I am a terribly pessimistic human being.  I always assume the worst in almost every situation, and usually end up disappointed because of it.  I constantly fret about the “what ifs” and show total disregard for “living in the moment”.  My main goal in everything I do this year is to be optimistic! Fuck the “what ifs”!  2010 is the year of “living in the moment”!  I have everything I want in life right now; a husband who loves me, an adorable husky puppy who couldn’t possibly be more affectionate, 2 quirky kitty cats (although I think one of them can read minds is quite possibly planning his World Domination…), a new house, and a lifetime of happiness ahead of me!  I should have nothing to fret over this year!

#2: Take More Photos!

I know, I know….I take enough photos as is, but I really want to work on expanding my portfolio this year.  I love photography so much, and I really want to spend more time focusing on what could possibly be a new career path!  I want to have some great shots to show potential clients!  I want to expand my knowledge of photography…it’s history, it’s future and how to work some of these damn buttons on my camera! lol
I want to go on more adventures and plan new photography-based trips…which leads me to Resolution #3…

#3: Go on Adventures/Trips!

…or even A trip for that matter.  In the 5 1/2 years that Chris and I have been together we’ve never gone on a trip together.  Sure we’ve gone to places like Grand Bend, Wasaga Beach, Niagara Falls…but I mean a real trip.  I want to see something exotic!  Something new!  Something I’ve only ever dreamed of or seen in pictures!  Somewhere I can take my own pictures, show them to friends and have them go “WOW! I wish I could go there! You’re SO lucky!”  (…because that person is usually me lol).  Even a smaller scale trip somewhere outside of ONTARIO would be nice.  I want to see something new.

#4: Become More Active!

I’ve been struggling with my weight for a couple of years now…well, actually ever since we moved home from Manitoba.  I gained about 40lbs while living there…and we only lived there a year…yeesh.  Being the procrastinating pessimist that I am it’s been really hard to take it off and keep it off.  I lost about 20lbs last year, and then gained it all back a few months later….I’ve taken some steps at becoming more active already.  I totally don’t feel comfortable in gyms…even when I was super skinny I hated them….so my wonderful husband took all my not-so-subtle hints and bought me a Wii and Wii Fit for Christmas.  I’ve already used it a few times since then and I adore it!  I love the fact that I can do it in the privacy of my own home…I can choose when and where to do it, and I can work at my own chubby girl pace! lol  I want nothing more than to lose weight this year….this really should have been my #1 resolution lol

#5: Learn More Recipes!

I’m not too shabby in the cooking department, but I’m stuck in a rut.  With both of our jobs being so busy I tend to just cook the same several meals over and over again…I know them, they’re easy and they are pretty damn delicious!  BUT, I want to learn more!  I want to be able to cook extravagant meals…something new and fun!  I don’t even know how to cook a turkey for christs sake! It’s not that I think it’ll be difficult or anything, I just never have! lol

#6: Completely Settle into our New Home!

This includes everything from hanging frames & mirrors, to painting the basement and re-doing the bathroom in the basement.  I’d love to have it all done before the end of 2010!  The basement will be a huge job…there’s alot of trim to do, and alot of wall space to cover.  The basement by far is our biggest project for 2010.  We keep changing our plans for our bedroom…it’s already half painted, but we keep switching back and forth between wallpapering the one wall or painting it and we just can’t seem to make up our minds.  We also have alot of outdoors work to do this spring/summer.  We want to take out a couple of the gardens, re-sod parts of the backyard (due to Leia digging humongous  holes…), tear out the crab apple tree in the backyard and rebuild a newer/taller fence at the back of our property.  The tree and the fence are my #1 priority though.

#7:  Keep in Touch with Friends!

With my two best friends (my maid of honor and Chris’ best man!) moving to Prince George, BC and with us moving to the other side of town we really want to keep in touch with our friends.  Alot of our friends live closer to/in downtown Burlington, with a few more scattered across Hamilton & Oakville we don’t really live central to anyone anymore….AND we don’t own a car.  It’s hard to get around to see everyone, and we just can’t afford to spend nights at bars and cab it home.  Whether it’s through facebook, this blog, or starting to use that thing called a telephone I want to keep in touch more with my friends.  I feel as if I’ve lost touch with a couple of close friends in 2009 and I’d like to work towards gaining those close friendships back.

It’s been really tough since Chelsea and Paul moved to BC….I feel a little lost in the friend department.  I’ve known both of them for so many years now, and now that they’re so far away I can’t help but feel a little lonely at times.  That’s not to say that I AM lonely….we’ve also made a few new friends recently who are fantastically amazing people!  ….I just miss my Chelsea Buns ❤

#8: Keep Away From Drama!

2009 was The Year of Drama for Chris and I….between the wedding, the stag n doe, family and friends we had drama coming out our ears!  Planning the wedding and stag n doe was a near disaster due to wedding party complications, some of our close friends’ relationships and lives took a serious turn for the worst, and I’m still not 100% sure what’s going on with a few members of my family….but in 2010 I want it all to just disappear. I’m very proud of my friends who have turned their lives around and have taken the necessary steps to making a better, brighter tomorrow!  I wish you all the best and I love you very much! (you know who you are!)

I have taken it upon myself to stay away from ridiculous teenage, high school drama from here on out! Who needs it!? I’m married! I’m not a kid anymore, and I don’t need to be the person sitting in the middle of an argument passing information between 2 people who refuse to talk to one another….Nor do I want to be the middle man in any situation anymore!  I will always be here to help a friend in need…but only if they’re willing to help themselves too.  I can’t do it all, nor do I want to…sometimes you’ve got to help yourselves.  I have enough of my own stress to worry about, and stay positive about as per Resolution Numero Uno! lol

#9: Read More!

I do read quite a bit as is…I’ve always been an avid reader…But as I read through Adriane’s Resolution blog the other day I realized I tend to do the same thing as her…I stick to one type of book.  I love a good horror book! Something with mystery and violence and detective work (currently reading the latest installment of the Dexter series, “Dexter by Design” by Jeff Lindsay).  My 2009 book collection consists mainly of mystery, horror, ghost & vampire books and biographies…wrestler’s and Elvis Presley’s biographies in particular.  I really need to expand my horizon and delve into something new.  I like to collect things…my book and movie collections are beyond normal…so I tend to buy books that I know I’ll read rather than take out Library books.  I need a new Library card.  Up until 2008 (when my wallet was stolen from a McDonalds…) I still had my Library card from when I was just a little kid.  With my name written on the back in my adorable little kid scrawl and everything!…damn I miss that card lol

Getting back on track, I’d love some recommendations of fantastic books that people have read.  I need a new theme for my 2010 book collection!

#10: Keep Writing.

This last resolution is very important to me.  I’ve had a few different blogs over the years and I’ve always lost interest in them.  I absolutely love to write!  When I was younger I spent days on end writing poems and letters and notes about everything and anything that was going on around me.  Given, alot of them are pretty teen-angsty, but they’re still good regardless.  I haven’t written a poem in several months, and that kinda makes me sad.  I got my poem-writing ability from my Poppa I’m sure.  He was an avid poem writer, and continued to write poems to my Nana (his wife) up until his last few months of life.  If you’ve read through my long blog posts before you’ll know how much my Poppa and his poetry mean to me, and my family as well.  I’ve always been very proud of my poems and my writing because of my Poppa and I’d like to get back on track with it.

When I was younger most of my poems were about being lonely, about being a loser and a nerd, and about not having any real friends…which were all true feelings at that time in my life….Now I’ve embraced most of those feelings and I love the fact that I’m a Star Wars geek!  I love that I only have a few close friends (I know I don’t need everyone to like me lol), and I absolutely LOVE how nerdy and retarded I am most of the time lol.  I have a husband now.  I have a wonderful family.  I need to start writing again, otherwise someone’s going to look back on my poems when I die (like my family did after my Poppa passed away), and think I was some strange, delusional, emo psychopath hahaha!  I think the last notable thing I’ve written was my blog post after our wedding entitled “Kilts, Poems, Namesakes and Important Dates”. (you can find that here: http://loridark.com/2009/07/28/•kilts-poems-namesakes-important-dates•-a-closer-look-into-our-wedding/)
I’m a pretty emotional person (I get that from my father…if you were at our wedding, you know lol), and I need to write, and I need to write more often.  Even if it’s just here, in this blog.

Thank you to everyone who does visit here and takes the time to read my blog.
I love hearing your comments, whether it’s about my ramblings or about my photos!
I know some of these posts are long and probably boring, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Cheers to a fantastically awesome 2010!

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